Migration Migration

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Déplacement d’êtres vivants sur des distances importantes, de façon définitive ou pour une longue durée. Désignant à la fois les mouvements saisonniers de certaines espèces animales et des mouvements de populations humaines s’inscrivant dans des temporalités et des échelles spatiales extrêmement variées.

Pour citer : « Migration », Performascope : Lexique interdisciplinaire des performances et de la recherche-création, Grenoble : Université Grenoble Alpes, 2021, [en ligne] : http://performascope.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/fr/detail/177851

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Date de création : 2021-06-14.

Dernière modification : 2022-06-29.

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« A change in permanent residence, often of a year or more in duration, migration involves a geographical move that crosses a political boundary. It is common to distinguish two basic forms by whether the move involves the crossing of an international boundary from one country to another, that is international migration, or whether the geographical move involves the crossing of a political boundary, usually a county, within a country, that is internal migration. »

Bryan S. Turner dir., The Cambridge dictionary of sociology, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006, p.384

« For gestures to migrate—for a gesture to become a migration—the action performed, the agency embodied, the subject constituted, the powerentailed, the territory traversed, the life presented in the movement of the movement, must be understood as distinguishable, although not dissociable, from the bodies that are nonetheless […] essential for their performance. […] [The idea of migration] provides a means of teasing even further apart the connections between the bodies on which gestures must depend, be they live bodies or mechanical apparatuses, the movements by which they are defined, and the places in which gestures gain their meaning, be they virtual or actual. »

Sally Ann Ness, Carrie Noland, Migrations of gesture, Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 2008, p.262

Pas de perspectives

Steven J. Gold, Stephanie Nawyn dirs., Routledge International Handbook of Migration Studies, Londtrd : Routledge, 2019

Khalid Koser, International migration, a very short introduction, Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007

Bryan S. Turner dir., The Cambridge dictionary of sociology, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006