Description épaisse Thick description

— Légende


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Développée en ethnographie par Clifford Geertz en référence au philosophe Gilbert Ryle, cette notion rend compte d’un processus d’analyse procédant simultanément et conjointement d’une démarche d’observation et de description factuelle ou « description mince » de la vie sociale, et d’une approche interprétative des données, sources, récits, pratiques et autres détails contextuels relevés lors du travail d’enquête.

Pour citer : « Description épaisse », Performascope : Lexique interdisciplinaire des performances et de la recherche-création, Grenoble : Université Grenoble Alpes, 2021, [en ligne] :

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Date de création : 2021-06-14.

Dernière modification : 2022-06-29.

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« Thick description is a term used to characterize the process of paying attention to contextual detail in observing and interpreting social meaning when conducting qualitative research. A thick description of a social event or action takes into account not only the immediate behaviors in which people are engaged but also the contextual and experiential understandings of those behaviors that render the event or action meaningful. In case study research, thick description involves looking at the rich details of the case, sorting out the complex layers of understanding that structure the social world. »

Albert J. Mills, Gabrielle Eurepos, Elden Wiebe dirs., Encyclopedia of Case Study Research, Thousand Oaks : Sage, 2010, p.942

« The notion of thick description is often misunderstood. It must be theoretical and analytical in that researchers concern themselves with the abstract and general patterns and traits of social life in a culture. This type of description aims to give readers a sense of the emotions, thoughts and perceptions that research participant’s experience. It deals not only with the meaning and interpretations of people in a culture but also with their intentions. Thick description builds up a clear picture of the individuals and groups in the context of their culture and the setting in which they live … Thick description can be contrasted with thin description, which is a superficial account and does not explore the underlying meanings of cultural members. »

Immy Holloway, Basic Concepts for Qualitative Research, Londres : Blackwell Science, 1997, p.154

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Clifford Geertz, « Thick Description: Toward an Interpretative Theory of Culture », in The Interpretation of Cultures, New York : Basic Books, 1973, pp.3-30

Joseph J. Ponterotto, « Brief notes on the Origins, Evolution, and Meaning of the Qualitative Research Concept “Thick description” », The qualitative report, 11, 3, 2006, pp.538-549

Gilbert Ryle, « Thinking and Reflecting », in Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures, 1, 1968, pp.210-226